Note on VAT treatment: Income savings on VAT relate to application of Chelmsford ruling (in-house) or VAT exemption on income (LATC and procured operator) where income has previously been taxable under an in-house operation. This is higher for LATC and procured operator due to the assumed higher levels of income generation. For a LATC and procured operator, a corresponding irrecoverable VAT cost is included in expenditure (for VAT paid on expenditure which relates to exempt income). For in-house the income is treated as non-business so all VAT on expenditure is recoverable.


Non Financial Assessment



In House

LATC (Brimhams)

Procured Operator

The degree to which the management model allows the Council to retain strategic control of services.

The degree to which the management model enables the Council to implement a leisure facilities investment strategy. To include decarbonisation towards Net Zero. This could involve investment and de-commissioning / asset transfers of facilities

The degree to which the management model will provide flexibility for NYC to undertake service transformation from leisure to sport and active wellbeing.

The degree to which the management model will be best placed to work with stakeholders and system partners. To co-produce and provide more integrated and targeted active wellbeing services.

The degree to which the management model will contribute to overall social value. This includes contributing towards improving local health outcomes, reducing the burden on the NHS, local employment and use of the local supply chain.

The degree to which the management model will be able deliver targeted and evidence-based interventions in place. This may be unique to particular localities within the County or to particular target groups.